3 Days / 1 Pre-Conference Day
35 Speakers / 15 Workshops

August 3-5, 2017

Reunion A-C

Pre-Conf Day 1

Wednesday, Aug 2
2:00 PM – 6:45 PM
Idea Implementation Expert; CEO: Springboard Training

Sylvia Henderson

From ideas – to implementation – to income. I help you figure things out and get things done! You have ideas. Yet without focus, strategies, tools, action & accountability, they mean very little. While you serve others, what about a partner who serves you? I bring my corporate management & board leadership experience to entrepreneurs to move you from where you are to where you want to be. Even if you’re in a coaching program, or are an experienced business person, it helps to get out of your own head to get perspectives and accountability with an implementation expert.

I wrote the book on systematically implementing ideas: “Hey, That’s MY Idea!” As host of the IdeaSuccess.TV webcast & a cable TV show, and Founder of the Idea Success Network of programs & resources, my passion is applying a science to transforming ideas to action and sharing stories of people who implement ideas.

To give balance to my life I ride motorcycles & roller-coasters, volunteer as a Girl Scout Trainer, watch Star Trek™ everything, and cherish 32+ years with my life partner in the DC area.

Let’s start with a conversation when you’re ready to take action on your ideas!

What You Will Learn

The Science of Transforming Ideas to Action

Discover how to move your ideas to action and implementation for income and impact regardless of where you are in your business, profession, or life transition – and get a tool that eases overwhelm and helps you focus on what matters most.



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