Entrepreneur Conference & Expo

July 12-14, 2018

Room Key Sponsor

Each Conference attendee receives a custom-designed room key when they check in at the Conference Host Hotel. The face of the key will have the eWomenNetwork Logo and the magnetic strip side will feature the sponsor’s logo and offer message. Over 2,000 keys will be printed. Sponsor will receive:
  1. Logo and offer message on the strip side of the room keys (2,000 keys);
  2. Half-page color ad in the Conference Program Guide;
  3. Name/logo rotated on two jumbo screens
  4. Sponsor credit for Breakout Intensive. Provided two minutes to showcase your business.


Package Pricing

eWomenNetwork Inc. reserves the right and discretion to limit, accept, or reject any exhibitor and/or their products or services.

You are not permitted to sell your products and/or services at the Conference unless you have purchased an exhibitor booth.

All Packages are nonrefundable

For more information, contact:
972-620-9995 EXT. 1003